'use strict'; /** * @module states/Settings */ const ui = require('../ui/ui'); let electron = require('electron'); let window = electron.remote.getCurrentWindow(); let Settings = {}; Settings.create = function() { // menu background stuff game.world.setBounds(0, 0, 2560, 800); this.map = game.add.tilemap('menu-map'); this.map.addTilesetImage('outdoors', 'tileset'); this.bgLayer = this.map.createLayer('bg1'); game.camera.x = game.menuCameraPos; // back button to go to menu screen this.back = new ui.MenuButton(0, 0, 'Back', null, ()=>{ // when pressed start loading the game game.state.start('Menu'); }, '4em'); this.back.setLocation(game.camera.width - this.back.button.width, game.camera.height - this.back.button.height); console.log(this.back.button.x); this.settings = []; this.settings.push(new ui.MenuButton( game.camera.width/2, 200, window.isFullScreen() ? 'Windowed' : 'Fullscreen', null, ()=>{ console.log('fulscreen toggled'); window.setResizable(true); window.setFullScreenable(true); if (window.isFullScreen()) { window.setFullScreen(false); this.settings[0].text.text = 'Fullscreen'; } else { window.setFullScreen(true); this.settings[0].text.text = 'Windowed'; } window.setResizable(false); window.setFullScreenable(false); }, '4em' )); }; module.exports = Settings; Settings.update = function() { // menu background stuff if (game.camera.x === 1280) { game.camera.x = 0; game.menuCameraPos = game.camera.x; } game.camera.x += 1; game.menuCameraPos = game.camera.x; };